Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Curious Case of DESTINATION!!

One more experience on the line from my side. There are few things in life which help us to move forward,inspire or degenerate our thoughts and actions . But this experience which i want to share inspired me and challenged me for the ministry. I remember when i was in class 12th, i used to top the class(sort of) as i always managed to be in the top three positions. Once a man of god came to my home and we were talking when he asked me about my studies and i told him that i came second. Suddenly his appearance changed and he said those words which i wont forget till ages to come" you who are serving the lord is coming second?and the one's who aren't and are destined for hell coming first?". You might say hallelujah and praise god for that wonderful declaration of faith???but i was taken aback and the words destined for hell struck me.I didnt rply him as as such bt started searching the scriptures. This is all what most of the Believers care about the non believers thats all (keeping in view our spiritual level and bible knowledge). I thought my god who has given us the right to decide who are destined for hell and who are not. The general perception among the Believers is that they were saved because of their works and so posses sense of being elite and pride fills our soul(we generally call it knowing who we are) but thank god that jesus being god himself "was humble unto death" and didn't had this approach towards a sinner. I saw in the scripture that we were all destined for the hell but what made the difference was by what jesus did on the cross. So does it mean we who are saved should have this kind of feeling towards the on non believers?(that we are superior,like hitler and the aryan issue hahaha)As ravi zacharias said "hell is not the choice of god but it's the choice of man who wants to reject god but our greatest privilege is to go out to them and tell them that they dont have to have their choice bt they can have god's choice that is eternal life through jesus christ!!" There's been various speculation regarding predestination but i firmly beleive that everybody's destination can be changed thru jesus christ coz he is the one who said"today u will be wid me in paradise"we all were destined for hell but thank god for the blood of jesus that washes us from all our sin!!!I pray that god might help us to save many people by the awesomeness of the message that is eternal life through JESUS CHRIST.....god bless