Monday, May 30, 2011


Hey frnds its just another "drop in the ocean". "God is at work" in our lives and as YUWA as a whole. Just wanted to share with you an experience through which the great man of god Dr Paul Yonggi Cho went through, its funny but dynamic.So the story goes like this....

The man of God(Dr Paul Yonggi Chow)was in the initial stages of his ministry. He was called for a "7 day crusade" which was organised by a church who(like us) were ready to "experiment" with a "new" preacher. Day 1 was really horrible as the people who attended it played cards,taunted,laughed and scorned while he preached the word. He lacked boldness and Holy Spirit in his preaching and life.The power of god wasn't there in the meeting and he was on the verge of "spiritual" depression. As attendance was low in the 1st day he even doubted if he had been called by the lord. So late in the night he was in his room(tent because it was an open air meeting)praying desperately to god why had he called him into ministry. While he was praying a man came to his tent,his both legs were broken and came to be healed through Paul Yonggi cho(who was literally in a similar condition ie spiritual paralysis). On seeing the faith of the sick man he prayed for hours but nothing happend. He went back to the corner of his tent and cried to the lord because of his and the sick man's condition. Meanwhile two robbers had come to the ground(ground occupied for the crusade) to steal something(they dont know what it was but had come anyway)

Suddenly God filled him with his Spirit while he was praying and he went to that sick man and said "stand up and be healed in the name of jesus". The man was really afraid(oh my goodness why the hell i came there) and couldnt help himself to stand. Yonggi Chow stood upn the sick man's knees and started praying.Suddenly the robbers came that way the pastor commanded"hey you there!!,yes both of you,come and help this man in the nmae of Jesus". The robbers obeyed and helped him get up.The sick man overheard the breaking of his bones when he was trying to stand up and yelled"help this man is killing me". God touched him and he got healed hallelujah!!. That man gave his life to jesus along with that two robbers who later became assistant pastors of yonggi cho's church. The rest of the meetings were power packed and history bears witmess to the fact that this man of god went on to became the pastor of the biggest church of the world with over 10 lakh(as of 2007) in korea.

Be it peter who was afraid to testify about jesus and later when Holy Spirit came on him went on to led 3000 people to christ in a single sermon or Yaul Yonggi Cho whose life stands as an xample to all of us who are cowards and self righteouss. Be it C.H Spurgeon,Wigglesworth,John Wesley,Luther,Benny hinn,Calvin,John Bunyan, or be it you. God can change you from a luke warm,passive,self centered believer into a person who stands for God boldily.I can happen to you when you surrender your life to him and stand in awe of what he can do through you.Who will Stand and Speak For god??? Are you Ready to become an History Maker for GOD

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Give me the fruit of LOVE
Deep within my heart
That I may seek not myself to please
But to others, give and forgive

Give me the fruit of JOY
Deep within my heart
That I may smile in every circumstance
And with joyous strength continues to advance

Give me the fruit of PEACE
Deep within my heart
That I may be still in your presence
And submit my worries to your omniscience

Give me the fruit of PATIENCE
Deep within my heart
That I may understand my neighbor’s imperfection
And bear my burdens with total resignation

Give me the fruit of KINDNESS
Deep within my heart
That I may always be true to you in my life
And submit to your divine will, like a true wife

Give me the fruit of HUMILITY
Deep within my heart
That I may prefer to serve than be served
And let my boastful good work go unobserved

Give me the fruit of SEL CONTROL
Deep within my heart
That I may withhold the emotions of fleshly nature
But rather live by these fruits that you give and nurture

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Thorns First, Rose Next

A certain man planted a rose and watered it faithfully and before it blossomed, he examined it. He saw the bud that would soon blossom, but noticed thorns upon the stem and he thought, “How can any beautiful flower come from a plant burdened with so many sharp thorns? Saddened by this thought, he neglected to water the rose, and just before it was ready to bloom… it died.


So it is with many people. Within every soul there is a rose. The God-like qualities planted in us at birth, grow amid the thorns of our faults. Many of us look at ourselves and see only the thorns, the defects.

We despair, thinking that nothing good can possibly come from us. We neglect to water the good within us, and eventually it dies. We never realize our potential.

Some people do not see the rose within themselves; someone else must show it to them. One of the greatest gifts a person can possess is to be able to reach past the thorns of another, and find the rose within them.