Saturday, February 11, 2012

power vision OR RATHER vision power!

An excerpt from George Barna's, 'The Power of Vision'

"All men dream; but not equally.
Those who dream by night
in the dusty recesses of their minds,
awake to find that it was vanity;

But the dreamers of the day are
dangerous men, that they may act their
dreams with open eyes to make it

Vision is seeing beyond what has already been accomplished in the past to what God desires for the future. As a leader, God's desire has to become my desire. Vision is seeing beyond the limitations and frustrations of the present and seeing what is possible with God. Vision is to have a clear God-given sense of direction and purpose, coupled with a commitment to complete the journey.

Vision is Spirit-initiated, not people motivated. Because it is implanted by God, God also imparts the faith to believe it can happen, and the power to see it through. Vision is to have the certainty that this is what God wants done. True vision, born of God, grips a person like a vice and will not let go until the job is done.

The purpose of vision is to create the future. The future is not something that just happens. It is a reality that is created by those strong enough to exert control over their environment. The future belongs to God and through Him to those who are driven to shape it. It is the power of God working through people led by visionaries that cause that image of the future to become reality.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Be Followers Of Christ

Praise the Lord YUWA

1 corinthians 11 : 19 -
For there must also be factions among you, in order that those who are approved may have become evident among you.

Here Apostle Paul addresses to the Church of Corinth about the things he needs the Church to understand. Here in this verse Paul says that in this world there are some people who hold up or teach of ( especially religious) or have an opinion which differs from the official opinion. These people belong to the murmurring group, who dissents and disagrees from the the larger group.
They are present in the group to bring differences among people inorder to judge and divide. So Paul clearly mentions that with these intentions in heart it is better we don`t be part of the Holy Supper.

Our God is a Forgiving and Merciful God, He loves us . Once we confess our sins before Him, He forgives us, all we need to do is to live in with OBEDIENCE to Him. We are no one to judge anyone, it is Our God who is Perfect in ALL IN ALL. So better we reconcile ourselves and come before in His Holy presence with an open and submissive heart . Once God forgives our sins, do remember not to walk in those dirty part of life again. He wants us to Imitate Him rather than imitating some other people of this world. For all Glory belongs to Our God alone. So better kneel before Our Good God in prayer and seek his presence rather than His presents.
Our God knows our inside out and He alone can fix our problems and find the best solutions . Believe and you shall see the GLORY OF GOD in your life.

God Bless Us All.
