Saturday, November 12, 2011


In an utterly contemplative disposition of my mind..

Casting Crowns playing at the background is striking a chord somewhere "Let my lifesong sing to you!" Only if it had been as easy as singing a song.

A mixed day. Nothing much to look forward to. I see a few weeks of similar monotony....A nice chat, a boisterous sister, exuberant guests made the bulk of the the day. Two weeks of hard labour-my beard is under threat of annihilation!!! No point in resisting ...would have to GIVE IN...:)

Blog seems to be deserted...the last entry was on October 6. Thought of writing my mind. The problem of sharing LIFE is that it needs a message. Do not have heard it before...had Gandhi been alive...he would have been an avid blogger. Nothing like a public notebook to make your "My life is my Message" ideals known to the world. It's quite a deal to have a life worth emulating...
A second dilemma is the loss of that comfort of oblivion that one so zealously guards. Nobody knows, nobody hears, nobody sees and you feel your life is your own and private. But then, anything for Christ....

So I think I'll be here often to share and explore my mundane. I hope many in the course would sing that lifesong with me. If only......


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