Monday, March 5, 2012


Hey it feels great writing something after a pretty long time!!Its not some positive thinking or some tip to make you feel good its just one of the most basic principle of bible given in the book of genesis.Genesis 32:27 says "then the man asked him what is your name? he answered i am Jacob".In this chapter we find Jacob wrestling with God and then God asks him one of the most profound question in all of the scripture and that was "what is your name?". God would have asked him many questions but he asked him this question because of a reason.Years before he had tricked his father Issac who was blind by telling him that he was Esau but now years's later he was standing before the ALL SEEING HEAVENLY FATHER and he said God you have got me it's me jacob!!!WHEN he acknowledged before God who he was God made something great out of him, likewise when we come before God just as we are without any makeup,showoff or artificial spirituality God will surely make something great out of us!!!God Bless

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