Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Hey YUWA it’s great to witness your wonderful experiences taking flesh in the blog. I am really excited about sharing this small incident that happened in my life and changed my entire perspective of life. It happened 3 years ago. One fine morning I was startled by the very thought of sharing my home with some “unbelievers” in the coming week. Some people were coming from my place in Kerala to my home in Delhi. I began to feel that the 1 week they would be spending with me would be a hell on earth experience. It is very easy to speak words of faith in the church but in reality its outside the church what really matters. As a traditional Pentecostal I was reluctant to get over the very fact that I have to share my house with the “unbelievers”. As I was not up to that spiritual level when people don’t care such things, I tried my best not to associate with them as I thought that my mere mingling with them would hamper my holiness (most of us are like this. As I say we act as we are “angels”). Every time they tried to associate with me I wasn’t giving in. On the 3rd day after their arrival, they planned to go to Agra and they would be coming back early in the morning. So by my mother’s persuasion I was awake until they returned. When they returned, to their surprise I was found awake and they were really happy to see me waiting for them. At that time when others were happy I was burdened, sorrow came over me and I felt the Holy Spirit convicting me. I went to my room and I was crying as though one of my dear one had passed away. That night I was only crying out” Jesus forgive me”. Holy Spirit convicted me of a sin and that was the love which I was not showing. God loves everybody and it’s our task to bring them home to the Almighty and loving Father!! Thereafter I connected with them and was able to love them without any reason and that love which God poured out into me helped me in my journey ahead. Friends that day onwards I came to realize that God loves all humans and that’s why the Bible says in 1John 3:9 "…….because he does not want anyone to be destroyed but wants all to turn from their sins” Hallelujah! How great is my loving God. My dear friends are you ready to show the love of God which was demonstrated on the cross of Calvary to the people? As the great man of God Bob Pierce, the founder of world vision said, "Let my heart be broken with the things that break God's.” Are you ready to be broken with what breaks God’s??? Are you ready to pray the prayer which I always pray "Oh God! fill me with such passion that I might reach out to the people with the love of Christ which you displayed upon the cross”..Amen and God blesss


  1. that's really a prayer to be prayed...

  2. yeah that's a true thing to be learned and to understand

    even jesus said love your nebiours and enemies as your self, as a true christian we should show the real love of christ to others and that's our duty!!!
