Monday, February 28, 2011


My friends from college were planning a trip to Wagah and other places. I was a privileged party to all the discussions. But in the end I had to backout as the final plan involved missing a Sunday and that too in travel so any question of attending church at some place was futile. I made my predicament known to a few of my friends and excused myself from the excursion. I took the easy way out and said “I’m the son of a Pastor and as his kid, it won’t look good if I miss church.”
On the way back home, just me and my friend from our gang were left in the metro. She said “Siju, I totally understand what you said. When you are brought up in a certain way, you have to behave according to that. There is a certain decorum that you must follow. People, who don’t know you, think you are some kind of a freak, but that’s the way it is.” I was astounded, such insight from an unexpected quarter!

Friends, accept that you are different and that, you don’t have to necessarily conform to trends all the time.

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