Wednesday, August 31, 2011

"Don’t Quarrel on the Way"

Genesis 45: 24 

This was the instruction that Joseph gave to his brothers while they were departing from Egypt after realizing that the supreme authority of Egypt was their brother Joseph whom they tired to kill, a long time back( Gen 37:12-36). Whatever happened to Joseph was God’s plan. Joseph knew that a quarrel could have broke out between his brothers on whom to responsible regarding the plot to kill or sell off their brother Joseph. The reality was that, everything in Joseph’s life went according to God’s plan. But an eruption of quarrel amongst his brothers would have worsened the God’s plan of reuniting Joseph’s family in Egypt at the time of famine in all countries. Joseph realized this and that’ why he instructed them to not quarrel on the way.

From the above passage, we must realize that we are also on our way to fulfill God’s will. But many of our sins divert us from God’s plan. Quarrelling is also one amongst sins which spoil our life (Proverbs 17:19). People quarrel to justify themselves, whether right or wrong. But, quarreling never brings justice, rather turns into an unquenchable fire leading to disaster (Proverbs 17:14). Hence, we must avoid quarrels in our family life, in our schools, colleges, neighborhoods or working places because a righteous man never quarrels rather he maintain silence (Must read 2Timothy 2:24, 1Thessalonians 4:11).


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