Saturday, August 13, 2011


Genesis chapter 3(read it)
From our childhood,we see the serpent(snake) as an evil creature. For instance if we see a snake in a nightmare,we say that something terrible is going to happen. It's all because of what happened in Genesis chapter 3. On that day, snake got cursed by God and became the enemy of christians
But we know, snake is just a living creature, a wild animal created by God(Gen 3:1,first line). The snake had no intention to destroy the god's valauable creation i.e human being by deceiving Eve and Adam and turn them away from God.
It was the devil that used the snake to deceive human being. The devil used the snake instead of any other wild animal because the snake was more crafty than any other wild animal(Gen3:1)
The snake's craftiness helped the devil to use it and lead it to be cursed by God(Gen 3:14). Hence, the snake(serpent) got deceived by its own craftiness. Just like that we human beings should take a lesson from snake and realize that its our own craftiness or sinful nature that leads to a depleted bond between ourselves and God. Also our sinful nature or bad habits permits the devil to use us and make us his slaves which inturn leads to our own destruction.
Hence, let's not deceive ourselves!!
(Read Galatians chapter 6:7-8)