Sunday, August 7, 2011

It is a misconception that 'christians are perfect'..being a christian does not prevent you from struggling or feeling down, discouraged or defeated... Life is a journey and at times its hard, frustrating and in our daily life we need a tool that would help us to be spiritually encouraged and inspired..and would help us in our daily walk with Christ passing by all the obstacles and shackles of the devil . The tool is " FAITH" in God.

Havent we ever seen a child looking up to his father when he needs help? Its is so simple , so natural , and yet so beautiful picture of this seemingly 'esoteric' substance we call as faith.
Sometimes we concentrate or focous so much on faith itself...that we tend to complicate matters for ourselves and forget that its not the size of our faith ,but Who we trust in that truly matters...
Isnt that why Jesus told us that even the tiniest amount of faith can move mountains( Luke 17:6)? For at the end of the day,its not the size of our faith , but the almighty power of the One we put our trust in that causes miracles and wonders to come to pass in our lives.

What is our problem today??
Is it sickness?Look to Jesus ! For He willingly suffered tortorous strikes after strikes so we can confidentally declare " By His stripes, I am healed"
Is it something we have been desiring for so long now? Look to Jesus! For He is our good Shepherd, and He has promised to always provide for us.
Is it our financial lack? Look to Jesus! He is the richest ...the King of kings
Is it a temperory problem in our families? Look to Jesus! For His word says..He will extend his salvation to both you and your household(Acts 16:31)
Whatever it is that we lack..whatever it is that we need ..our Lord had already forseen it and purchased it on the Cross for us.

When Peter got distracted by the boisterous winds and waves around him and began to sink( right after he miraculously walked on water from simply trusting Jesus' words), he did the exact same thing. Again he looked upto Jesus for help....n what did Jesus do..? At his first cry for help..Jesus reached out and saved him !

The good news is He 's exactly the same today! Ever willing to reach into our lives and deliver us... Jesus has never dissapointed anyone who looked to Him for help...

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